how does this work?
this is a 30 day skin healing challenge. that means each day for the next 30 days you will receive a new lesson that is designed to help you improve your relationship with self, your image, and your skin.
why does this work?
if you show up every day for the next 30 days and consciously send loving and healing energy to your skin, your overall self-image improve.
how do i receive the lessons?
each day a new lesson will release on this platform. and you will also receive the same info sent to your email inbox. the emails are meant to serve as daily reminders.
why do i only get 1 lesson each day?
we believe in order to receive real change and lasting healing… you must show up every day consistently for a month. this way your mind and body will form a habit around self-love.
join the challenge if...
if you don't love the way look when you see your reflection in the mirror
if you allow your skin to determine how you feel during the day
if you feel you need to wear make up before you leave the house
if your skin stops you from being yourself or stops you from doing things that you want to do
if you think about your skin all day.
here's what they said
i asked previous students what they learned from the skin healing challenge
intention is everything, it doesn’t matter so much as to what you eat, it's the intention you have for the meal and the appreciation for the food that matters.
probably to treat myself like a little kid. that tip has massively improved my life.
low self- worth negatively affects your creativity. i’ve never thought of it before but it makes sense!
it’s helping in in more ways than just skin. it’s an all around help for improving my life in general.