weekly lessons

  • visualization

    week 1 is focused on using your minds eyes to create the healing you wish to see. using the power of thought and intentional self-love.

  • reflections

    week 2 is about falling in love with your image. how do you feel when you see yourself in the mirror? learn to use the mirror as a tool to meditate & heal yourself from the inside out.

  • gratitude

    with 3 is about gratitude. gratitude is the act of connecting to your higher self. and nothing is more important to your healing and growth than being happy with where you are right now.

  • ritual

    week 4 is about putting everything together and being consistent. the power of habit is the surest path to healing. showing up everyday is necessary for healing to happen.

here's what people have to say

“i have become gentler with myself. If i get a breakout, i don't blame my past self for eating bad, i dont blame my past self for not washing that part of my face well enough. I dont blame myself. I just let it flow. Its natural to not have photoshopped skin. My complexion has evened out significantly. My forehead was so bumpy before and im just 7 days, like magic, i only have a few remaining tiny bumps! What you feel on the inside is reflected on the outside. Youve taught me this.”

“I’m absolutely receiving benefits!! I’m noticing so many changes on the deeper soul level, which is the root of all my hyper-critical and perfectionist thoughts. This course is healing my soul, the clear skin is just an added benefit! I am experiencing more breakouts than usual while just using water, but I am assuming that is just the detox process? Either way I’m sticking with it!”

“This skincare challenge has been completely transformational so far. This course isn’t only healing my skin, but it’s healing my mind and soul. This is exactly what I’d hoped for in this course: something to embody mind, body, and spirit for a total shift in perspective. I’m not even finished with the challenge and I can already feel myself starting to release my negative thoughts and picking at my appearance... I am learning that it is okay to feel beautiful and BE beautiful and to cherish all that it encompasses. I am the only me, and you are the only you. The most beautiful thing I can be is to be unapologetically myself.”

“I feel like i am learning to love not only my skin, but my natural beauty. the visualization is really helping me feel connected to the earth, and i like thinking of my inner child and letting her out. i have been imagining my shower as the waterfall in the visualization which is connecting me even more. whenever i am washing my face with water i imagine that is it the water from the healing waterfall and it simply makes my face glow. and whenever i look in the mirror i just see myself so much more beautiful. i day that to myself. and immerse happiness follows.”

“The skin challenge man. The skin challenge is really changing the way I look at the world. I never really believed that the less you worry about your skin, the more gracious you are, and more giving, and loving you are (to yourself AND to others), that will be reflected on your skin. The human body is so deeply complex and this course has taught me that in only 4 days. I have already fell in love with the way I look and with my self because I know that I am a beautiful person on the inside, and that is reflected on the outside as I become deeper into my friendship with myself. I am gorgeous. You are gorgeous. ”

“I've really loved it, I think it was what I needed. I am learning to become like my child self again and I am much happier and the meditation is so good. also using only water has really helped, i had quite oily skin and even though its still not perfect its much better and thats great, and my blemishes have reduced. thank you for this.”

“Thank you so much. This challenge is a real sunray in my life. The vizualization is amazing, fills me with so much gratitude and love. I think subconsciously it is also a very powerful experience because I have done so many things since I started this challenge. I am living my best life and doing what i set myself up to. I went swimming everyday and learned crawling, I have cleaned my home etc for example”

“This challenge so far has helped me so much. My skin is phenomenal yes, but it’s helped me to just let go of everything that doesn’t truly resonate with me and helped me to only let in things that nurture my soul.”

“Listening to the visualization twice a day has become a ritual for me. I ALWAYS feel more beautiful and closer to my higher self after it. I now try to shift my mean thoughts about my body to kind words. So actually it has helped a lot :)”


  • how does this work?

    this is a 30 day skin healing challenge. that means each day for the next 30 days you will receive a new lesson that is designed to help you improve your relationship with self, your image, and your skin.

  • why does this work?

    if you show up every day for the next 30 days and consciously send loving and healing energy to your skin, your overall self-image improve.

  • how do i receive the lessons?

    each day a new lesson will release on this platform. and you will also receive the same info sent to your email inbox. the emails are meant to serve as daily reminders.

  • why do i only get 1 lesson each day?

    we believe in order to receive real change and lasting healing… you must show up every day consistently for a month. this way your mind and body will form a habit around self-love.

take the challenge.

30 days to better skin.

join now.

join the challenge if...

  • if you don't love the way look when you see your reflection in the mirror

  • if you allow your skin to determine how you feel during the day

  • if you feel you need to wear make up before you leave the house

  • if your skin stops you from being yourself or stops you from doing things that you want to do

  • if you think about your skin all day.

whats included.

  • 4 guided visualizations.

    dive into your imagination and use the power of your mind to create lasting change within the body. all you have to do is close your eyes, sink in to the words, and transport into a new reality.

  • daily reminders.

    we know how hard it is to commit to something each day so let us help you stay on track, we will send you daily reminders to your email so you don't forget that this month is the time to change your life.

  • reflection exercises.

    we have responsive type forms that ask you questions that require real time reflection. this forces you to spend time thinking about where you currently are and where you want to be. so you can grow.

here's what they said

i asked previous students what they learned from the skin healing challenge

  • intention is everything, it doesn’t matter so much as to what you eat, it's the intention you have for the meal and the appreciation for the food that matters.

  • probably to treat myself like a little kid. that tip has massively improved my life.

  • low self- worth negatively affects your creativity. i’ve never thought of it before but it makes sense!

  • it’s helping in in more ways than just skin. it’s an all around help for improving my life in general.